I have finally taken the leap and retired, so what do I do with my life now?
Well, I have become my mom's chauffeur since we had to take away her driving privileges. Imagine this, she is giving away her sewing machine because she can no longer work the pedal because she has no feeling in her toes. So how, you might ask, does she drive a car and work the pedals? She claims she uses her heel, and then she wonders why we took away her driving rights. It came down to her safety and the safety of those around her while she was driving, that helped us make the final decision. Do I dislike driving her around? No! I feel much safer knowing she is not behind the wheel of the car.
What else am I doing? Twice a week, when my schedule allows, I volunteer at the Santa Fe Trail Center. I have two projects I am working on, and one deals with the digitalization of records, which is what I would really like to do as a part-time job.
Speaking of part-time jobs, I really need one, so I am looking.
I am also spending my time on the computer: writing, reading emails, taking Lumosity tests to improve my mind, playing games, working on genealogy off and on, and other tasks that I perform on the computer. Too bad I cannot find a job working at home online using my computer; now that would be a great job.
Anyway, retirement has allowed me time to think, reflect, and get some needed rest and relaxation.